Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Magical World

I was a normal girl entered somewhere throgh a magical mirror........
I had entered a strange world where,choco rivers were there,candy plants grew,mountains were named like style mount,mt.jelly and others........
the world was royal but modern and magical!............Simply wonder-strucking!!!
Everyone had the qualities a stranger needed.Suddenly a fairy shouted "I have the solution" coming aut from a office with a board 'FAIRY HEADQUARTERS' I asked a girl
"What do they mean by solution ?"......."solution to save our world"she answered , she also informed me that without a solution the world will be vanished in a week !
I rushed to the head quarters and in crowd and saw a fairy announcing "We have found that this is a world thought by a girl so we will put this powder on everyone
and whoever will have wings and a crown will be the solution ad the princess." When
they sprinkled the powder on me all the conditions appeared ."You must be mistaken" I said " I wish I would be alone".......and I was outside the head quarters!! now I had to believe...........Suddenly ,I felt a thud ....I was lying down my bed.....
It was a dream !!!!!

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